Wednesday 3 August 2011

My Top 5

1. Hanayo’s Rameon with Dumplings—I don’t think I’ll ever get sick and tired of this. I love it like no other! I swear, I can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! But that won’t be healthy! IMG_3342

2. Maybelline’s New Clear Smooth All in One Shin Free Foundation—review coming up! I am in love with this product. Bought it last Sunday when I saw it at the Maybelline Counter. The best thing about it? It’s refillable! I can’t wait to post the review for my readers!


3. Caffe Ti Amo’s Caramel Macchiato—Oh baby, it’s the bomb.IMG_3388

4. Caffe Ti Amo’s 4-Cheese Savory Waffle—you have to try it. Believe me. All the cheesy+waffle-y goodness! Not to mention the whipped cream and drizzles of caramel syrup all over! *I’m starting to sound like a glutton*IMG_3391

5. Starbuck’s Caramel Macchiato—kept me warm during the typhoon. Although, I must say that I wasn’t overly gaga about this compared to Caffe Ti Amo’s macchiato. Probably because I tried the one from Caffe Ti Amo first. Nevertheless, this is going in here! It kept me warm and awake!IMG_3428


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